As per art. 13 and 14 of Regolamento UE 679/2016, we inform you that:

  • The holder of the treatment for Fontana Rava – Toscano & Partners S.r.l. is in the person of their Legal Representative.
  • The respponsible person and Legal representative is Mr. Giancarlo Fontana Rava
  • Finality of data treatment: The personal data is treated in nthe normal course of business of the company with the following scope:
  1. directly and exclusively to observe the contractual obligations or for the acquisition of pre contractual information together with information relative to requests of the interested party for the provision of services.
  2. connected to obligations foreseen by law, regulations and norms including dispositions by Authorities and organisms of vigilance and control and obligations in the areas of accounting and fiscal dispositions.
  3. for activity of communication including of a commercial nature.
  • Methods of data treatment: the treatment of data is by manual means, information technology and telematics with strict usage correlated to the final outcome, however in a manner to safeguard and guarantee the privacy of such data.
  • The data collected forms part of the area known as personal identificative data and is strictly connected and instrumental for the administering of the relationship with clients and suppliers. The complete list of those responsible is available at the main office of the company and to have a copy it is necessary to contact the Responsible person as indicated above.
  • Period of conservation of the data: the data is kept and stored in a fom that consents to its identification and for a time period no longer than necessary to achieve the finality for which they are needed.


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To exercise your right as provided for by art. 7 of the Privacy Code you may contact:

Fontana Rava – Toscano & Partners S.r.l.

Telefono: 02.6572730

Telefax: 02.6572760


for the attention of the person Responsible for Data treatment.